03 June 2005
Salaamz Sistahz!

Which HP Kid Are You?
lolz, thats what i got when I was doing a HP (harry potter) quiz my m8 sent me a link to....im Hermione! lolz
havent been on here 4 a while have I...oh well I'm back! examz are not sooo over, just when i thought they were over, my islammic studies, geography, arabic and history teacehrs gave us more test.....yes my life IS hard! Man, i miss ya'll sooo much! i was only allowed on the comp 4 a limited time, and in that time my sis comes n tells me i gotta do some research for her....ohh how wondorous the blessings of sisterhood....
Anyway in other news, guess what sistahz...im goin umrah in August! n then im goin Pakiland...should be fun-insha'llah!
I talked 2 Anj 2dy online, soz.....it restrted again (the comp), but it was still frozen so i left it off for a while, just came back but guess your gone revising again...and Hafz howz u doin? haven't talked 2 ya in ages....!!!
As we are now in June....we're getting closer 2 the 'event of the year' *literally*! LIVING ISLAM!!! oh..i can't believe i can't go!!! Zaroah u gotta update me, even Dawud Wharnsby will b there....Whos goin? u lucky ppl!!!!!
We took some photos 2dy (m n 2 of my sis'), lolz, they're soooo funny, ill show u em when they're developed, tehy're sooo funny, lolz!!
Uh-oh, my limited time is up....gotz 2 go now!! And Anj, ill remember to pray 4 ya insh'allah!
luv you all!
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lolz....awwwww...wiked name now....and yep aww u such a cutieie, keep the prayers cumin inshallah, ya soo luky ya get ta go to umrah AND pakiland........gosh....but LIVIN ISLAM wil b dry wivout u..lolz...inshallah see how it goes, aity i gta go get the clothes from outie b4 it chuks down, mwahz, waslam.
i was hermione. i am proud of myself. being hermione means i am a clever know it all....NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO i dnt wanna be a know it all!!!!! *CrY*
salaam - i'm gd thanks kalsoom, thanks for askin... not working my socks off but still gettin there!
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