26 June 2005
Living Islam
Any info wud be apreciated...im tryin to get the family 2 go...jazaks......
24 June 2005
New Look
Salam my hunys. Hope thou art all doing well inshallah.
And i hope yall like the new look aswell inshallah.
If yall have any suggestions, anything else ya wanna do to it, link with me inshallah.
ps- yall can leave messages on posts again..woohoooo..lol ...if you wanna comment and the comment thing at the bottom of the post isnt working, go to the right column, press on the post name, at the bottom of that post it will have comments, and leave it there...:)..inshallah i pray it works...lol...
pps- lol, soz i'm back, to jus say, at the botom of the blog, it dont say our names, lol...so like we all gotta either rite who we are at the botom of a post or pick a culur...if yall wanna pick a coulor then its liek furst cum first served and if ya wanna jus rite who yall are then yall can do that too....
ahem...*cricketgal* :)
And i hope yall like the new look aswell inshallah.
If yall have any suggestions, anything else ya wanna do to it, link with me inshallah.
ps- yall can leave messages on posts again..woohoooo..lol ...if you wanna comment and the comment thing at the bottom of the post isnt working, go to the right column, press on the post name, at the bottom of that post it will have comments, and leave it there...:)..inshallah i pray it works...lol...
pps- lol, soz i'm back, to jus say, at the botom of the blog, it dont say our names, lol...so like we all gotta either rite who we are at the botom of a post or pick a culur...if yall wanna pick a coulor then its liek furst cum first served and if ya wanna jus rite who yall are then yall can do that too....
ahem...*cricketgal* :)
23 June 2005

20 June 2005
Coming soon...
Be prepared for a renevation soon.
very soon.
extremely soon.
like soon.
no i really mean it.
like superdupioisly soon.
coming to a blog near you.
very soon.
extremely soon.
like soon.
no i really mean it.
like superdupioisly soon.
coming to a blog near you.
15 June 2005
People say i'm not ok...
I start of with ...
Quote of the day : #Have You seen my childhooooood......
.......People say im not okkkkkkkkkkk#
Brownie points to whoever can tell me who sang that song. Anyone guess?...Brownie points are gettin scarce, you know you want yours.......noo...?.....i'll tell you..my dear ol' friend Mika'il Jameel, known to most people as Micheal Jackson, Wacko Jacko, didnt no how wacko he'd turn out to be when he was writing the lyrics to that song eh!!
Yeh so the brother (revert to islam inshallahhhhh) is now officially free. They were showing his whole after-trial blab on tv, which my brother was watching so intentley yesterday, and then popped up that song, over, and over, and over again. I was in hysterics, like major fits. The brother didnt know how right he was! And it is therefore, todays quote of the day!!
In other news, me and my dearest papa, just had this funny convo:
Paps : Look what i found *shows newspapaer*
Jumz : *Looks..blah*...oh yeh....(newspaper title-'More Lawyers are earning over 1 milion pounds now' -my dad wants be ta be a profesional liar..cuff lawyer )...I dont wanna be a millionaaireeeeeeeeeee
Paps : Why not?
Jumz: Bein' a millionaire is boring..hahahahhahahahaaaa
Paps : You children dont understand the value of money
Jumz : hah, *quick anjum, change the subject!!* you only buy those big broadsheet papers to look all buisinessy dont you....
Paps : No, i buy them coz im indian...they were free...
So much for value of money eh.
Hah, my dad is cute.
I bet your thinking,'everyone is cute to cricketgal'....hah...not true...calling people cute is a way of showin ma affection ( you hear that hafsaaaaaaa!! )and stop backbiting about me in your head!!!
Oh yeh, i had a maths exam too today. But no one cares about that.
I start of with ...
Quote of the day : #Have You seen my childhooooood......
.......People say im not okkkkkkkkkkk#
Brownie points to whoever can tell me who sang that song. Anyone guess?...Brownie points are gettin scarce, you know you want yours.......noo...?.....i'll tell you..my dear ol' friend Mika'il Jameel, known to most people as Micheal Jackson, Wacko Jacko, didnt no how wacko he'd turn out to be when he was writing the lyrics to that song eh!!
Yeh so the brother (revert to islam inshallahhhhh) is now officially free. They were showing his whole after-trial blab on tv, which my brother was watching so intentley yesterday, and then popped up that song, over, and over, and over again. I was in hysterics, like major fits. The brother didnt know how right he was! And it is therefore, todays quote of the day!!
In other news, me and my dearest papa, just had this funny convo:
Paps : Look what i found *shows newspapaer*
Jumz : *Looks..blah*...oh yeh....(newspaper title-'More Lawyers are earning over 1 milion pounds now' -my dad wants be ta be a profesional liar..cuff lawyer )...I dont wanna be a millionaaireeeeeeeeeee
Paps : Why not?
Jumz: Bein' a millionaire is boring..hahahahhahahahaaaa
Paps : You children dont understand the value of money
Jumz : hah, *quick anjum, change the subject!!* you only buy those big broadsheet papers to look all buisinessy dont you....
Paps : No, i buy them coz im indian...they were free...
So much for value of money eh.
Hah, my dad is cute.
I bet your thinking,'everyone is cute to cricketgal'....hah...not true...calling people cute is a way of showin ma affection ( you hear that hafsaaaaaaa!! )and stop backbiting about me in your head!!!
Oh yeh, i had a maths exam too today. But no one cares about that.
12 June 2005
Osama bin London
In other news.....well did any of you watch 'Dont panick, i'm islamic' ?, it came on today at 7pm. haha...mashalah...haah. well twas from loadsa muslims points of veiws ( Lord Ahmad, Salma Yakoob..to name a few )...bout their thoughts on being british muslims, and terorism and all. I thought, it was a real well thought out programme. Aity, sure there was that bit where they showed the suicide bombers and what not, but we expect that dont we, and then there was this other whacked out 'muslim' guy, who decided ta change his islamic identity to a jewish one, coz he wasnt getin no jobs and he thought living in britain and wearing hijab and not drinking was wrong, but then we expected that too.
But actually, i thought it was a decent programme showing the veiws of rational (apart from anti-hijab guy) and educated muslims.
One bit shocked me thoguh. they were on bout british terrorists, and they showed one newsreel...'Approximately 100,000 british muslims have had military terorist training'...me and ma mum started creasin, and i jus turned to ma older bro and was like 'is there sumin you aint tellin me bro'...haha....coz i mean really, is that the most crap you've heard or what.
And then they showed the bit were Bush is like' you either with us or the terrorists' and all the peopel were lyk....hmmm..'well i aint with you...soooo.....'....but really seeing his face after so long made me wanta spit.
alhamdulilah...any one else watch it-tghere was this cockney imam , he was a jokaaaa....yeh....any one watch it...anyone....anyone at all...???
But actually, i thought it was a decent programme showing the veiws of rational (apart from anti-hijab guy) and educated muslims.
One bit shocked me thoguh. they were on bout british terrorists, and they showed one newsreel...'Approximately 100,000 british muslims have had military terorist training'...me and ma mum started creasin, and i jus turned to ma older bro and was like 'is there sumin you aint tellin me bro'...haha....coz i mean really, is that the most crap you've heard or what.
And then they showed the bit were Bush is like' you either with us or the terrorists' and all the peopel were lyk....hmmm..'well i aint with you...soooo.....'....but really seeing his face after so long made me wanta spit.
alhamdulilah...any one else watch it-tghere was this cockney imam , he was a jokaaaa....yeh....any one watch it...anyone....anyone at all...???

11 June 2005
Im luvin it!

You are the Heros Sword. You are a pleasant gift to
others. Youre noble and reliable to those you
trust. You are friendly to those who are
friendly to you, but someone who rubs you the
wrong way is in for a great deal of pain. You
make a good friend, and a great partner, but sometimes ppl do not see you the way you are, though that bothers you, you try and ignore it.
Which Zelda Item Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
salaam 2 you all out there. how've u all been? ive been great mash'allah, i talked 2 Anj today, well, taht was the highlight of my day (yea, my life is boring!. She sent me some of her 'songs' and ohhhh, they're just sooooooooo wonderful!!! they're teriffic!! i luv them, i just simply adore them!! Girl u got some undiscovered talent in ya! I finshed the poem I was working on, i think I'll start another one tomorrow-insh'allah! I finsh one and Allah just keeps on passin on some more inspirations in my life. And u lot, allll of uz are a part of that inspiration, I love u all, u a treasure Id hate to loose!
So, well, thats kinda all i dropped by to say. oh and....i wanna go living islam!!!
*glad i let that out!*
Peace out!

you are nayru!goddess of wisdom! you are very calm
and cool about things. some people think that
you don't care! but thats not true! you just
don't panic in bad situations! you can work out
peoples problems in a jiffy. you probabley have
a lovely singing voice as well as beauty!
what goddess are u from zelda?
brought to you by Quizilla
oh and Anj, I'm only jokin! ur convo window always cheers me up!
10 June 2005
i jus calllleddd ta say.................................
Alhamdulilah 4 examz left for me wah bout the rest of yaz?
Hope everyones good -yes that includes lil mis hijabi shah whos decided ta do a runa ta canada wivout telin me......
hmm in other news, i put the old template back up coz most of yaz sed ya liked this one beter and the tym wen i changed it, i was in a bit of a ahem*bitch* of a mood, but thats gone and im back to bein nice old me..getting high before examz and in examz to prove it, so i decided ta change back the template. And afta the examens i plan on pumpin it up even mo and makin it a hek of a lot nicer than in is-inshallah.
soo wat else, argh nothing really, i am tired, but i am also quite optimistic now, as im geting into the hang of doing examz...hah...finally.
Innshallah i gotta head off to a ladies islamic gathering now, so keep the peace and keep the faith and keep the duahs cumin :D...lol.
Love u all ma dear sisters in islam and in this land..
Alhamdulilah 4 examz left for me wah bout the rest of yaz?
Hope everyones good -yes that includes lil mis hijabi shah whos decided ta do a runa ta canada wivout telin me......
hmm in other news, i put the old template back up coz most of yaz sed ya liked this one beter and the tym wen i changed it, i was in a bit of a ahem*bitch* of a mood, but thats gone and im back to bein nice old me..getting high before examz and in examz to prove it, so i decided ta change back the template. And afta the examens i plan on pumpin it up even mo and makin it a hek of a lot nicer than in is-inshallah.
soo wat else, argh nothing really, i am tired, but i am also quite optimistic now, as im geting into the hang of doing examz...hah...finally.
Innshallah i gotta head off to a ladies islamic gathering now, so keep the peace and keep the faith and keep the duahs cumin :D...lol.
Love u all ma dear sisters in islam and in this land..
03 June 2005
not been on for years...DAMN THIS REVISION!!!!!!!
.....So wha gwaaan???
apart frm ma sis n Zohra enjoyin themselves in canada and Proud 2 b a muslimah goin umrah and pakistan and lyk everyone foin 2 livin islam camp....WAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!I NEEED A BREAK!!!!!!I WANNA GO SUMWER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i need sum sympathy....these exams are gettin me down........
.....So wha gwaaan???
apart frm ma sis n Zohra enjoyin themselves in canada and Proud 2 b a muslimah goin umrah and pakistan and lyk everyone foin 2 livin islam camp....WAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!I NEEED A BREAK!!!!!!I WANNA GO SUMWER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i need sum sympathy....these exams are gettin me down........
Salaamz Sistahz!

Which HP Kid Are You?
lolz, thats what i got when I was doing a HP (harry potter) quiz my m8 sent me a link to....im Hermione! lolz
havent been on here 4 a while have I...oh well I'm back! examz are not sooo over, just when i thought they were over, my islammic studies, geography, arabic and history teacehrs gave us more test.....yes my life IS hard! Man, i miss ya'll sooo much! i was only allowed on the comp 4 a limited time, and in that time my sis comes n tells me i gotta do some research for her....ohh how wondorous the blessings of sisterhood....
Anyway in other news, guess what sistahz...im goin umrah in August! n then im goin Pakiland...should be fun-insha'llah!
I talked 2 Anj 2dy online, soz.....it restrted again (the comp), but it was still frozen so i left it off for a while, just came back but guess your gone revising again...and Hafz howz u doin? haven't talked 2 ya in ages....!!!
As we are now in June....we're getting closer 2 the 'event of the year' *literally*! LIVING ISLAM!!! oh..i can't believe i can't go!!! Zaroah u gotta update me, even Dawud Wharnsby will b there....Whos goin? u lucky ppl!!!!!
We took some photos 2dy (m n 2 of my sis'), lolz, they're soooo funny, ill show u em when they're developed, tehy're sooo funny, lolz!!
Uh-oh, my limited time is up....gotz 2 go now!! And Anj, ill remember to pray 4 ya insh'allah!
luv you all!
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